Thursday, March 24, 2011

16 months

This time raising my toddler is so special, and going by so quick, that every once and a while I try to take a bunch of pictures to capture the essence of little Landon. This way when he's 18 and going off to college I can flip through the old blog and get all weepy over how precious he was. :)

He only had 4 teeth and on his 16 month b-day he cut two more and this was me trying to get him to show them for the camera. Not too successful.
This is also a common scene.
He is always trying to read all my books too. :)


  1. Such a cute little man...we are excited to see you guys in New Orleans...hopefully we can get on the flights!

  2. So cute! Coco is drooling over these photos! ;)


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