9:00 a.m.
"I regret to inform you that the house you were interested in was leased over the weekend. Sorry."This was how my Monday started. I'm blaming the lazy real estate agent for not getting our application in that we sent LAST TUESDAY. But I'm not really sure what happened. I don't think I've ever been turned down by a landlord and it felt worse than many near-engagement break-ups.
As with any break-up, hearing the news was followed by a breakdown of epic proportions--weeping, whaling, and nashing of teeth doesn't quite cut it. I had a pathetic moment. Real pathetic.
However, not completely unmerited.
(There are NO OPTIONS in Visalia for rentals...there were a month ago when we were WAITING for confirmation about moving but now there are none. I was worried that all of our trips to visit family this summer would be cancelled because we would need to look for a house then move AND since we have to be out of our place at the end of June--landlord moving back in--we will be residing with a toddler in a hotel until who knows when)...Nightmare.
After getting a grip, I found myself staring face to face with 3:00.
Does that happen to anyone else? You get some kind of bad news and then just reel out of control for what seems like 15 minutes but when you look at a clock you realize 8 hours has gone by?My poor child. It dawns on me that he needs to get out of the house. Alright, I'll just take him to the park...
Well on our way to the park down the street, I did what any crazy person with a toddler at 4pm would do--I kept driving.
And driving.
Until we wound up in Santa Cruz.

And then I felt better.

Landon was happy to see the ocean. So was I.

We saw a few sea lions, and heard them barking.

Landon kept saying, "Puppy, scary" (pronounced SKAY-WEE) and wanted to get back in the stroller.

I kept thinking, "People, scary." There are some of the weirdest people you will ever see wandering around Santa Cruz. I had no idea.

The sunshine was lovely. I enjoyed the fresh air, and even some of the weirdos. Thank heavens for a change of scenery, even for just an hour, to gain a little greatly needed perspective.